If you’re not taking care of yourself, then how can you take care of anything else? Self-care has this flowery, feel-good reputation, but that’s only half the story. Taking care of yourself does, in fact, feel good. It is necessary to fill your cup, and vital for your health and well-being. It helps you be… Read More
What to Do When You Don’t Feel Good Enough.
Love yourself with reckless abandon. It is a revolution to love yourself, let alone even like yourself, and to believe that you are worthy. Because you are.
Fortitude Health and Wellness Body Bistro Regimen
Here are nine simple tips that will have you glowing through summer and the rest of your life. You will notice a wonderful improvement in your skin, body, and you will feel great! This regimen is a daily commitment that will yield your body rewards over your lifetime.
Broken in Thought: A Place Where Stress Can Take You
Sometimes we don’t know when we are stressed, so before your body tells you – take time for yourself daily. Get up a little earlier for prayer and a word, take a walk and feel the sun on your face, laugh out loud even if your co-workers joke isn’t that funny, eat well, and drink lots of water. Whatever it is you have to do to make yourself happy, just do it! The world is a better place when I am Loving On Me! You should do the same.
Every Day Counts for World Health Day
Today is World Health Day. The World Health Organization (WHO) deemed today the day to look at health across the globe and revisit health problems plaguing our world. First let’s start with the definition of health – “A state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” I will go a step further and say that health is also a clean environment, access to health care, access to healthy, clean, fresh foods, and emotional stability. Without a stable environment, and access to care and healthy food to sustain us, our health status in the world is marginalized.
Let’s End Food Insecurity, One Day at a Time
Feed the hungry, one day at a time, and months and years will follow. In America, we take comfort in an endless supply of food to eat. We read articles and posts daily about the intake of organic foods, whole foods, juicing and eating for longevity. Many of us will not eat food unless it… Read More