Nothing brings people together like a disaster. It’s human nature. Time and again through the historical hurricanes Harvey and Irma these past few weeks, the stories of humanity at its best have illuminated God’s light. I don’t recall a time where I’ve ever seen so many people with such compassion and ingenious fortitude come to… Read More
Every Day Counts for World Health Day
Today is World Health Day. The World Health Organization (WHO) deemed today the day to look at health across the globe and revisit health problems plaguing our world. First let’s start with the definition of health – “A state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” I will go a step further and say that health is also a clean environment, access to health care, access to healthy, clean, fresh foods, and emotional stability. Without a stable environment, and access to care and healthy food to sustain us, our health status in the world is marginalized.
What the Heck is Meal Prep?
What is meal prep? Why do people do it? Is it really a fad, or is it a sustainable way to implement lifestyle changes?
The Sweetness of Doing Nothing
Aahh! Dolce far Niente. Translation – the Italian’s way of saying “the sweetness of doing nothing.”
6 Wacky Ideas for a More Productive Day
Here’s a fun fact: the less you try to cram into your day, the more productive you become. I’ve tested it time and time again, and it always turns out to be true. If I focus on what’s most important, I always finish more of what I start. Trouble is we can’t get focused! We… Read More
Can You Live Out of a Carry On Bag?
How in the world did I accumulate all this junk??? That was the broken record that played over and over in my mind as I packed up to move from Dallas to New York. 6 1/2 years I had lived in that house. Who could have imagined I didn’t need even a 1/4 of what… Read More