How in the world did I accumulate all this junk??? That was the broken record that played over and over in my mind as I packed up to move from Dallas to New York. 6 1/2 years I had lived in that house. Who could have imagined I didn’t need even a 1/4 of what was in there?
Going from a couple thousand square foot home to a 600 square-foot apartment has been an enlightening experience. I have quickly discovered that nearly everything I thought I needed was really just nice to have. Truthfully, it’s been a bit liberating, learning to live with less. You’d be amazed the many options that open up when you discover how very little you need to live well.
One of my new mantras in life is “Travel Light. Less Clutter. More Clarity.” I want to be able to ebb and flow with the current, moving quickly to take advantage of opportunities that come my way. Perhaps that’s why in the cacophony of sound at the airport this morning, I heard a snippet from the video playing on the television above. The announcer admonished passengers to learn to live out of a carry on bag.
I have no idea the context of his comment, but it got me to thinking…what would I take if I went through life with only a carry on bag? Me, the girl who loves cute shoes. The girl with a thousand books, and just as many pens. What would I decide was important enough for my journey? What would you take?
Spring seems like a great time to pause and ponder our clutter. To take one small step in divesting ourselves of things we don’t need, or better yet, saying no to things we’ll never use. It’s a great season to take stock of how we’re living, and to assess if our lives are indeed making the world a better place.
So here’s my challenge to you – Live BIG but leave a SMALL footprint. Let go off all the “stuff” you don’t need and travel lightly, allowing the winds of change to carry you forward on your path.
You’ve only got a carry on bag. What will you bring along for the journey?
Love the “No Winning Wednesday” and today’s message. “Know Your Limits . Exceed Them Often. You enlighten me to day! Thanks so much.
You’re welcome! I’m so glad the message spoke to your spirit. Sending lots of love! ❤