Lost. Every day I wander. I try to be grateful and positive and optimistic. I try. Trying is not good enough, I have known my whole life. My person, who I am, doesn’t try. I do. I accomplish. I tell myself it wasn’t a big deal. I mean, no one died. Or is even in… Read More
What to Do When You Don’t Feel Good Enough.
Love yourself with reckless abandon. It is a revolution to love yourself, let alone even like yourself, and to believe that you are worthy. Because you are.
Does Time Heal All Wounds?
It’s been said through the ages that time heals all wounds, but lately I’ve been wondering, does it really? Does time, in and of itself, have healing power? Does it work for some types of wounds, but not others? Or is it what we do with our time that really matters, determining if we heal, or… Read More
Grudges Are Far Too Heavy for Us to Hold
I know it’s tough, but try to let it go. Holding on makes the hurt so much worse, and true healing can only begin with our release. Give it to God and let Him handle it. For grudges are far too heavy for us to hold. Hugs and Blessings ❤
Give Yourself Time to Heal
Change can be tough – physically, emotionally and spiritually. Rather than rushing to get over it, let’s take a moment and get complete. It’s okay to give ourselves time to heal. We’re worth it! Loving on Me as I Love You. Hugs and Blessings ❤