According to the Urban Dictionary, negs or negging are, “low-grade insults meant to undermine the self-confidence of a woman so she might be more vulnerable to advances”. Although women sometimes neg, men corner the efforts. During early flirting efforts, this is a tactic first described by pick-up artists (PUAs). There are several explanations for the tactic; however,… Read More
Janet Brooks
Let’s End Food Insecurity, One Day at a Time
Feed the hungry, one day at a time, and months and years will follow. In America, we take comfort in an endless supply of food to eat. We read articles and posts daily about the intake of organic foods, whole foods, juicing and eating for longevity. Many of us will not eat food unless it… Read More
Self-Independent: What’s Your Claim to Fame?
Most of us would like to think we are independent and driving on the highway of life with our own suitcase of mantras. Wrong! Self-independent is defined as: “One who is independent and not influenced or controlled by others in matters of opinion, conduct, thinking or action for oneself; an independent thinker is not subject… Read More
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder: Learn, Connect, Share
This month is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Month (PTSD), and June 27th is PTSD Day. PTSD can occur after someone goes through a traumatic event such as combat, assault or disaster. Most people have some form of stress reaction after a trauma. If reactions do not stop over time or disrupt your life, then there… Read More
Body Composition: Do We Know Enough For Optimal Health?
There is no miracle drug or quick solution to staying healthy. The answer lies in the life we live and how we live it. Living healthy is not hard if you plan and commit to sustaining a way of life that benefits you. Here is some cut and dry information for your health consumption. As… Read More
If You Work With Clowns, Expect a Circus
I do not know if we begin with or grow into unprofessionalism and having unacceptable communication skills in business, but we are creating a workplace of ignorant, inept people. As an entrepreneur, I do my best to stay in the know about my expertise and new business practices to stay current as a Health and… Read More