Woo hoo! 2017 is coming to a close. Lord knows it’s been a challenge. From politics to personal, the chaotic roller coaster ride of everyday life has left us worn out. It’s time to put this chapter to bed. But before we do – let’s make sure that we finish strong! Here’s a checklist to send… Read More
The Side of Entrepreneurship Nobody Talks About
I don’t have my billion-dollar success story to share with you (yet.) What I do have, are a couple of insights and lessons I’m learning while dream chasing.
Well, Alright
Think of the times that tested your patience and made you question your faith, the situations that weren’t quite what you planned and the outcomes which weren’t what you hoped for. But now that you’re on the other side of those challenges, can you see how you’ve grown? Was something better in store for you? Did tragedy bring people closer together? Did He wake you up to live another day and enjoy the simple things with loved ones, to serve others, and to make a difference in this world?
You are Exactly Where You are Supposed to Be
On this journey called life we can get so caught up in making it to our goals that we don’t take time to appreciate the milestones or the moment. Measuring progress is a great way to track goals, but too often we focus so much on the “incompletes” or “in progresses” that we miss out on appreciating what has happened and on where we are right now.
Fighting for Gratitude in a Complaining World
Thirty days of thanks was my goal. For an entire month, I challenged my Facebook friends to join me, in sharing a moment of gratitude as our day’s first post. You’d think it would be easy, especially given that it was November, a month when thankfulness is top of mind. But as it turns out, in a… Read More
Giving Unexpected Thanks in Transition
When will this season in my life end? I’m trying to hold on, but I feel myself slipping, and I’m at the end of my rope. Just when I think I’ve hit rock bottom, my foundation shifts and I sink even lower. How is that possible? There is nothing left? How did I get to… Read More