At the beginning of the year people usually make resolutions or spend time writing down their goals for the year. Although it doesn’t seem like a big deal please believe that it is vitally important. Not only does it set our course for the year, but it also can impact us in ways we couldn’t… Read More
make it happen
You are Exactly Where You are Supposed to Be
On this journey called life we can get so caught up in making it to our goals that we don’t take time to appreciate the milestones or the moment. Measuring progress is a great way to track goals, but too often we focus so much on the “incompletes” or “in progresses” that we miss out on appreciating what has happened and on where we are right now.
Difference Maker’s Push Up!
It’s not enough for us to put our heads down and simply try to crack the glass ceiling by running into it. As women we must lift our heads up, put our arms out and with confidence push through and push up to get to the next level – to elevate ourselves to new heights and bigger dreams.
Can’t is a Four-Letter Word
I know it’s hard to be brave. To be bold. To be courageous. But, you can be. It only takes a smidge of it to start. You can be more than you are right now if you want to.
If all you can hear in your life is “you can’t” then, let me be the one today to believe in you and tell you, “You can.” You can do more than you think you can do and become more than you are now.