At the beginning of the year people usually make resolutions or spend time writing down their goals for the year. Although it doesn’t seem like a big deal please believe that it is vitally important. Not only does it set our course for the year, but it also can impact us in ways we couldn’t… Read More
We Can’t Redo, But We Can Choose to Do Better
Sometimes we mess up. I mean let’s face it, we’re not perfect. Every once in a while our best self gives way to our other self, and oh my goodness, what a mess! What do we do when we can’t hit the reset button? We choose to do better… Love and Blessings, Katrina ❤ PS… Read More
What to Do When Negative Nellie Invades Our Space
At one time or another, we’ve all encountered a Negative Nellie. They can drain your energy quicker than a Zumba class! And when their negative barbs are aimed at you, it can be down right painful. How can we keep it positive in a negative space? Check out our Motivational Moment for tips on managing… Read More
Celebrate What’s Brilliant About You!
Have you seen the recent the Dove commercial? It’s the one that highlights the difference between how others view us and how we see ourselves. Startling, isn’t it, that we see ourselves in such poor light. Ladies, it’s time to make a change. We are amazing and extraordinary beings. We deserve and need our own… Read More
Are Poor People Criminals?
Last week a local school district conducted a “poverty simulation” to make students more sensitive to the plight of the poor. As a part of the experience students were allowed to steal to make ends meet. When a friend of mine, Cheryl Jackson (Founder of Minnie’s Food Pantry), expressed outrage over the characterization of poor… Read More
Be Extraordinary You!
What do you really think of you? It’s not something we often ponder, but a conversation with my transition coach many years ago had me turning this over and over in my mind. I was telling her about this fantastic brainstorming session I attended where there were all these extraordinary people in the room – serial… Read More