It’s not enough for us to put our heads down and simply try to crack the glass ceiling by running into it. As women we must lift our heads up, put our arms out and with confidence push through and push up to get to the next level – to elevate ourselves to new heights and bigger dreams.
women's history month
Love, Lead, and Live Well
March is Women’s History Month and today is International Women’s Day. Let us honor and recognize amazing women in our lives and history, and their profound impact as entrepreneurs, engineers, movers and shakers, inventors, CEO’s, community activists, teachers, mothers, daughters, and friends; each contributing a special flavor to the mixture of life across the world.
Celebrating & Saluting Inspiring Women
I must openly confess that I have never taken the time to recognize March as Women’s History month. Even as I wrote the first line, I felt a bit embarrassed. It’s a good thing that life gives opportunities that sometimes force us to see the relevance and impact someone or something has made in the world. We… Read More
Women, Rise
Recently I came across a Zig Ziglar quote that sums up, in my opinion, our greatest threat – FEAR. “Fear has two meanings: ‘Fear Everything And Run’ or ‘Face Everything And Rise.’ The choice is yours.” In honor of Women’s History Month, rise. Fear comes in all shapes and sizes. Tangible. Invisible. Smothering. Stifling. Paralyzing.… Read More
#LikeAWoman – Think Like One, Act Like One!
In the spirit of Women’s History Month, let’s embrace our womanhood and all the “secret sauce” ingredients that come with it. Let’s defy the status quo and break the boundaries! Let’s celebrate the true essence of what it’s like to be #LikeAWoman in an often male dominated and gender biased world. This month, instead of… Read More
Fierce and 13
We begin our lives as young girls, receiving direction and guidance from one or both parents. Some of us must seek our own direction because our parents are not present. It is imperative that we invest in our young girls so they become brilliant young women. In the spirit of Women’s History Month, let us… Read More