It may be difficult for most items to go through a needle’s eye, but it doesn’t have to be when staying focused on the goals you’ve set at the beginning of the year. This is why we have decided to give you a mid-year check up and some quotes to motivate you to stay focused… Read More
New Year's resolutions
Get Busy Having FUN!
People, Not sure I have anything profound to say for this month. I am too busy having FUN! Yep, FUN. I have officially declared 2015 the year of FUN. I know many of you also theme your year with a particular focus while others make resolutions. I am going the theme route this year and… Read More
Live A Stand Out Life!
Each new year brings new beginnings and, for me, it brings a new life theme. I was inspired to share my approach to using themes as opposed to resolutions by two people dear to me who started out as PR colleagues, but over the years, have grown into friends that I respect, love and admire.… Read More
Eliminate the Mess in Your Life’s Music
New Year, new beginning, new path—what does that mean in our lives? As a wellness expert, I spend most of my time teaching people how to live longer, healthier lives. I do this by giving them tools and resources to make changes in their daily lives, but we also must learn how to improve our… Read More
Are You Prepared For Your New Beginnings?
The year 2015 holds endless possibilities for us all. Personally for me, I’m planning what I hope will be a successful book tour promoting my new book, “When Everything Changed: My Journey from Physician to Patient.” In addition, I’m also launching a new company that I have co-founded, WOW Health Group LLC, an organization that… Read More
New Year’s Evolution
When planting seeds of intention into the garden of the heart, you cannot manifest abundance in areas that haven’t been prepared with love and compassion. You must remove weeds, mix the soil, ensure there is access to sunlight, and provide room for the plant to grow without toppling over. Most importantly, you must give it… Read More