Greater love has no one than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. – John 15:13. Have you ever sat and wondered of this great love that has been bestowed upon mankind? I still struggle as to why me, why us? Of all that lives and breathes on the earth, how come we… Read More
God's love
Loving on Me Inspiration – God’s Love is Limitless
God’s love has no limits. He loves us completely and perfectly. And if God sees you as worthy of unconditional love, why not love yourself the same way? Hugs and love ❤
What More Do We Need?
A loving God, supportive family, and loyal friends – what more do we need for life, abundantly? When you get right down to it we don’t need much to make us happy. Let’s focus on the relationships that matter most, and stop fretting over the things that come and go. Loving on Me as I… Read More
Are You Ready for the Winds of Change?
Can you believe it’s 45-degrees cooler today than it was yesterday? In just 24 hours the weather here has gone from wearing shorts and a tee to winter coats with gloves. It’s amazing how things can change so quickly! As I lay in bed last night listening to the howling wind outside my window, I… Read More