Can you believe it’s 45-degrees cooler today than it was yesterday? In just 24 hours the weather here has gone from wearing shorts and a tee to winter coats with gloves. It’s amazing how things can change so quickly!
As I lay in bed last night listening to the howling wind outside my window, I was struck by how much nature parallels life. We can be bopping along in the sunshine when of a sudden a great wind comes along and knocks us over. It can be so terrifying when the wind is buffeting us to and fro and we have no idea where we’ll land. When it’s over, we’re just grateful to be alive and in one piece.
That’s why when the winds of change blow hard in my life I’m slowly learning to ride the breeze. Rather than fight to stay where I am I choose to embrace what’s ahead. Day by day, I see that life is so much more fun and peaceful when you live it looking forward.
Those that know me well must be getting a good chuckle! I surely was not always this calm. I used to get so ratcheted up when I couldn’t control my environment. Truthfully, when I have my weak moments I still do. It’s never been that I’m opposed to change – I just want the change to be the change I want. Any other A-types know what I mean?
It’s sad, but true that life rarely unfolds according to our plans. We have to take the good with the bad – and in the end see it all as part of the journey. I have finally lived long enough to agree with JFK, Jr. when he said, “Nothing is as good or bad as it seems in the moment.” I keep that posted in my office now so that occasionally when something is really on my nerves, I can speak calmness and patience into my spirit.
I also try to stay ready for change. I know that sounds odd as changes sometimes seem to come out of left field. However, just like the outfielder that waits patiently to jump into action when a ball is hit his way we too have to be ready when God says go. It’s not always easy, but here are 3 things that have helped me stay grounded when change is in the air:
- A firm foundation.The key to not getting uprooted every time a stiff wind blows your way is to place your faith in God, not in the things He blesses you with. Everything in life changes except God’s love for you. If you place your faith in the Source rather than the sustenance, when things start to disappear it’s less stressful. The same God who gave us what we’re trying to hold onto has something even better for us, if we only learn to release our death grip on what was and grab hold to what’s before us.
- A reliable forecast. No one can foretell the future, but very little change arrives unannounced. I know at times it seems we are totally caught off guard. But if we reflect on the circumstances 9 out of 10 times we’ll see that what eventually became a windstorm often announced it’s early arrival as an insistent breeze. Our problem is we often overlook the warning signs, leaving us still sitting there when the storm reaches full force.
- An expectant stillness. When we believe that God has a plan for our lives, we have a measure of peace during the ups and downs that is often difficult to explain. It’s like being cradled in the eye of the storm – a serene center protecting us from the chaos all around. Get quiet, and listen for that still small voice inside of you. Then rest and reserve your energy for the road ahead.
Being ready for change doesn’t necessarily calm the wind, but it will calm our spirits. Don’t struggle against the wind. No matter the change, God is working it out for our good. Be still, be open and be expectant of the great things to unfold in your life.
Loving on Me as I Love You. ❤
PS – Share your tips with us on how you handle the winds of change. Drop us a line here, on Facebook or on Twitter @iamlovingonme. Wishing you serenity in the midst of your storm.
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