Did you know that October 24th was “Make a difference day”? Don’t feel bad, I didn’t know either. However, I do appreciate new knowledge and have decided to not wait until next year to celebrate that day. It is my belief that as we experience different things in life and explore our passions we start… Read More
How to Stay Married to the Same Person for 50 Years
This week my parents will be married for 49 years. I love that they are still laughing, still having fun together, still living life together. I am so fortunate to be their kid (albeit a 45-year-old kid). But I still wonder…how do people stay married for that long? I have read countless articles on this… Read More
Sewing Up a Mother’s Love
The older I get the more I love and respect my Mommy. She is the sweetest, most gracious soul you will ever meet. Everything I learned about being a lady I learned from her, and what I didn’t learn wasn’t because she didn’t try. Lord knows she had her work cut out for her. You… Read More
Will You Be the One?
I can hear the screams coming from next door, again. It scares me the way they fight. It seems like the episodes are coming more and more frequently and each time more severe. Lindsay is wailing in the background. I want to run over and scoop her up! It’s so unfair. She’s the same age… Read More