Did you know that October 24th was “Make a difference day”? Don’t feel bad, I didn’t know either. However, I do appreciate new knowledge and have decided to not wait until next year to celebrate that day.
It is my belief that as we experience different things in life and explore our passions we start to think about all the wonderful things we can offer the world. For some of us we find it in our careers while the rest of us partner with service organizations whose mission is to lend a helping hand. Whatever it is, we have the opportunity to make a difference.
I love to INSPIRE…. when I am speaking to or with someone and they look me in the eyes and say “you’re right Athena, I will apply to my life”, then I know my living is not in vain. To make someone smile, feel special or assist with clarity in a certain situation is what I enjoy doing the most. I have learned that we are called to be our brother’s keepers, and must continue to extend the arm of assistance as we continue to change the world from where we stand.
In this month’s blog I am asking for your advice as it relates to the following concerns. I still believe in the old adage that “two heads are better than one”.
Concern #1
If you have encountered a Jr. /Sr. high school student recently or have one in your own home you would have realized that their way of thinking and doing things is significantly different from those of us nearing thirty or definitely over forty. The world keeps talking about the generational gaps that exist, but that’s not the issue that I have. For me as for the fact that certain music genres has transcend generations, driving laws and table manners are still the same, then giving an excuse for having absolutely no manners for your elders then speaks to a decline in the world fabric for basic human acknowledgement. Obviously, this is like a foreign language for me. Maybe, it’s my Bahamian culture that taught me to speak as soon as I enter a room. Good morning and good afternoon was as normal as looking both ways before crossing the street. To not interrupt adults when they are speaking or to respond in a rude manner when spoken to or being reprimanded.
Explain to me when we allowed our children to get away with not acknowledging the presence of another human being. Yes, we can argue that some adults don’t speak and can be rude, but we are talking about our children who are responsible for making a difference in a few years. What can we do to make a difference?
Concern #2
Who doesn’t enjoy a great love story? I sure get a kick out of how perfect everything sounds. Then I close the book and stare reality in the face and it sure looks different from what I just read or watched on television. That leads me to share a few stats with you as it relates to high school relationships. Not friendships but the “my bae”, yes we are “exclusive,” types of situations that exist.
Years ago high school sweet hearts talked about marriage, this new age generation is just talking about having sex or cultivating friends with benefits. Some suggest that parents are aware and ok with the “relationship.” Others keep it under wraps for as long as they can. Healthy friendships, no matter the generation are important for human growth. But when entered into immaturely, that can have some major consequences. I have seen the decline in grades, loss of focus, poor decisions and broken friendships. I don’t think high school relationships will ever end, but I do believe we need to change the way we address them. Acting as if it doesn’t exist or the “not my child” statement is outdated. We need to speak frankly to it as it ensure our children get clear and mature advice from responsible adults.
How is it that we don’t even know who our children’s friends are anymore, or who they may have a “crush” on? Is it ok to promote high school relationships in hope that they result in marriage as it was common years ago, or just ignore the fact that high school students are cultivating meaningless friendships that are resulting in them confusing a love relationship with a sexual one? What can we do to make a difference?
I only gave two out of the many concerns that are faced in the lives of our young people, and it still takes a village to raise our children. As we were and still are impacted in our lives by the words and action of others, it is our duty to do the same in the lives of the next generation. Let’s take a minute and think about the children in our homes, families or at the local community centre and how we have a daily opportunity to influence them positively. Planting seeds of hope and encouraging them to embrace life.
We all can make a difference in this world. I will continue doing my part. I ask that you join me in offering your gifts and talents so that you can too. Share with us in the comments below your ideas on what we all can do to make a difference…
There are some parents who are still raising their children with the values, morals and most importantly basic Christian principles they were raised with. These children stand out to me and I acknowledge them and compliment and congratulate their parents, for it must not be easy! Then you have those who do not wish to parent; they want to be friends with their children. Maybe, if parents would parent their children, maybe if we remembered that it takes a village to raise a child, we wouldn’t have some of the challenges we are faced with.