November is the month where we give thanks and express gratitude, especially at Thanksgiving. It is during this time that many of us slow down for half a second from our busy lives, important careers and daily worries to voice what we are thankful for. We say things like, “I am grateful for my family,… Read More
being grateful
Loving on Me Inspiration – Practice Gratitude
The struggle ends when gratitude begins. Make thankfulness a priority. Hugs and Love ❤
Are You Missing the Peanut Butter to Your Jelly?
I am struggling with being grateful. Today I was doing the following things all at one time: On vacation, on a new business conference call, driving through Dunkin’ Donuts with both kids ordering from the back seat and heading to the grocery store. Here is the note my daughter wrote and gave to me after… Read More
Loving on Me Inspiration – Have a Grateful Heart
Never let the things you want make you forget the things you have. Start each day with a grateful heart! Hugs and Love ❤
Loving on Me Inspiration – Take the Good AND the Bad
When life is sweet, say thank you and celebrate. When life is bitter, say thank you and grow. ❤
Loving on Me Inspiration – Anything is Possible
I am joyful. I am lovable. I am abundant. I am talented. I am creative. I am grateful. For with God anything is possible. Enjoy your Sunday!