2016 has been a record-breaking, earth shattering emotional quagmire of a year. There have been painful losses, ground-breaking wins, and political wrangling that will be talked about for generations to come. I’m exhausted just thinking about it! Thank God we’re fast approaching the New Year.
Our perspective on this season of change is as diverse as America itself. Some of us are leaping forward with eager anticipation, while others are dragging into January with great apprehension. Either way life is moving forward, whether we’re ready or not.
It’s time we shake off the 2016 blues and get it in gear for the New Year. Sure, some of us are starting with what we see as less than ideal circumstances. Heck that’s a part of life. The good news is great women like us have been overcoming obstacles and insurmountable odds for years. Sisters – it’s our time to shine! Let’s show up and show out.
Here’s 7 Tips to Help Us Get in Gear –
- End your debate over the election results. It’s over. Whether we’re celebrating or crying, we’re now all in the boat together. Stormy seas are in the forecast and we need all our wits about us to successfully navigate this journey. Let’s release our anger over the results – and with each other – so we can shift gears toward strategizing. We can’t rewrite the past, but we can work toward a more peaceful present, and better future.
- Celebrate your amazing 2016 achievements. In the midst of all the chaos, do you know I almost forgot I released a book? It’s crazy, but that’s what happens when we allow the insanity around us to get in us. We lose all perspective, viewing life through a singular set of circumstances, forgetting that at all times life has both good and bad. Let’s end the year on a high note. Right now – list 3 things that made you smile in 2016.
- Say thanks to your angels on earth. In the midst of all the clowns doing really hateful things, there are also wonderful people who radiate goodness. Folks who stand up when others don’t and offer kindness on our most difficult days. They make our journey so much sweeter, reminding us how small acts of love can make a huge difference. Before year-end call your angels and say thanks. Gratitude is good for the soul.
- Declutter your space. No need to take old junk into the New Year. Let’s travel light so we can enjoy the journey. I recommend twice a year taking a hard look at things you haven’t touched in months and ask yourself, “Do I still need this?” Usually the answer is no. Look for stuff you can donate, discard or sell. Often what we consider of little value is a priceless treasure to someone in need.
- Set 3 achievable goals. Forget resolutions, and resolve to work toward a brighter future for you and your family. Really think about what you want for 2017. Write a vision for what you’d like to see your home and community reflect. Then set 3 goals to make that happen, and share it with a friend. Let’s establish accountability partners to help us stay on track. If we encourage each other, we can achieve more.
- Organize and upgrade your finances. It’s time for us to head toward higher ground in the finance department. Some of us – me included – have struggled far too long to get our spend/save ratio in order. I’ve asked God to make me a more savvy business woman, and a better steward. What is it you need to work on? Let’s make 2017 our year to master money. As we enter the New Year, be clear about where you are and where you want to be. As the year progresses, we’ll work on a plan together.
- Fuel up on your faith. As the New Year begins spend time in the pages of your journal talking to God. Pour out your prayers, worries, celebrations and victories. Talk about the desires of your heart, and ask Him how you can be the change you want to see. Then pick up a devotional or meditation guide that encourages you to spend a few moments each day with our Creator in 2017. This past year I read Hearing God’s Voice and it was awesome. Do you have a book you’d recommend? If so please share it in the comments below. Make powering up with a positive word an essential start to your day!
I firmly believe 2017 holds great possibility! Remember, many women before us have faced great challenge and managed to accomplish extraordinary things. Harriet Tubman, Helen Keller and Coco Chanel are a few great examples.
We all have within us the power to defy the odds and go beyond what we can hope or imagine. Let’s prepare for greatness. Try some of the tips above and be open to serving in unexpected ways. There is so much more than what we’ve known before!
Hugs and Love
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