How many times have you heard the following words attached to SELF?
Absorbed, awareness, control, esteem, gratification, help, image, defense, destruction, obsessed, respect, righteous, pity and worth.
It amazes me that everything either speaks to who we are, what we will become or what we need to work on. What if we, once and for all, complete a Self Improvement Project template so that periodically we can go back and update as we feel the urge to do some introspection? I attempted to complete the framework for mine. Go ahead and complete yours and do share with us.
1. Introduction
The introduction for your Self Improvement Project should start with a word and a song that will give you peace in the midst of any storm.
As I rise in the morning, I am reminded of the scripture found in Jeremiah 29:11 that states: “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” These are the words that I try my best to hold on to during my day. I have come to realize that having a favorite memorized verse can really calm you down or lift your spirit when times get rough or disappointment occurs.
Once you have found your scripture, you need a song that you can sing, even when no one is listening. My song is an oldie but a goodie, “I am Thine, Oh Lord”. Once I begin to recite the lyrics of that song and add a little harmony, I feel as though all my cares are washed away.
2. Motivation
Your motivation can be tied to your family, career, charitable contribution or zest for life. Whichever one it is, enjoy it with each passing moment.
I am blessed to be a wife and a mother and because of those titles, I am motivated to do all that I can to ensure that my family is living their best. The roles we choose to play in society will have an everlasting impact on everyone in our path. We can decide to be the example we wish to see in the world or become a part of the very problems we despise. Motivation is not only tied to self but can be the result of the joys and successes we see in those around us. The mere fact that my husband has an extra dose of patience and humility makes me want to be a better person. Thus, I am motivated by his choice to be the way he is despite the way he is treated at times. My church has its own recycling initiatives and there is an intentional quest to make better choices to ensure our space in the earth is kept clean. If I didn’t want to be a good steward, because of their efforts, I am motivated to do my part.
3. Project Details
Your project details should include the following. Feel free to add as you go along.
- You must have an ongoing love relationship with God
(I daily recommit my heart to the Lord) - You should implement great family values along with spending quality time
(We eat at least one meal together and share our day as a family) - Choose to live a healthier and happier life while sharing a little of you with the world
(Gym days, girls night, date night and Junkanoo is what I try to involve myself in on a regular basis) - Seek a career path that you love and engage in purposeful interest
(I’m a School Counselor who enjoys the space to write #lovingonme) - Charitable contributions
(I joined an organization to give of my time and talents #SGRHO) - Adventure, exploration, travel
(I usually try anything once, but would like to experience more of the world)
I am not an expert on self-improvement, but like some of you, I have used a lot of resources to assist me in my quest to become a better me. I made a decision to start writing down my thoughts. Developing a very basic template that can be an ongoing working document would be my best advice. Make it personal, a place where you are free to be you without fear of judgment, comparison to the rest of the world and not being criticized because you made a decision to dress a certain way, change careers because you want to spend more time with your children or sing to the Lord a new song because you’re happy.
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