It’s about that time! 2014 is coming to a close and 2015 is swiftly approaching. 2014 was beyond amazing in so many ways. There were so many lessons learned, so much personal growth and achievement, and an abundance of love. 2014 was outstanding and 2015 has some pretty big shoes to fill.
At the end of the year, there is always a period of reflection of the previous year, and a period of planning for the next. This year, I am looking at 2015 as the beginning of a new adventure. Whenever you go on a trip, you have to pack what you are bringing with you. Because airlines limit travel carry-ons and place fees on bags, we tend to be very careful about what we bring with us. I am beginning to see my life this way and am planning accordingly.
To be honest, I hate packing. However, I am excited to pack for my future. If I were about to visit a beach, I would leave behind my winter coat and boots. In the same way, if I am moving on to my future, why am I bringing my past? I challenge each of you to examine the figurative “bags” that you are bringing with you into 2015.
What worked for you this year? What did you learn? One of the big things I am bringing with me is faith. I learned some valuable lessons and grew exponentially in this area so I definitely want to continue. Another essential for me is compassion, not only for others, but especially for myself. Sure, I may not have met all of my goals, or conquered the world (just yet), but with a little kindness to me I realize just how much I truly have accomplished this year. I am so proud of me!
One other extremely important practice I am carrying over into next year is one that is so profoundly simple, yet oddly difficult: listening. I am making it a point to listen more- to my loved ones, to myself, to everyone. Wisdom can show up in the most unexpected places.
These are just a few of the amazing things I’m packing. What are you bringing with you? What are your must-haves?
As important to examine, if not more so, is what are you leaving behind? When contemplating this, I urge you to let go of anything that no longer serves you. I was cleaning out my closet to donate some items and I ran across a dress that I’d worn maybe once over a year ago. I was about to toss it, but then the little voice in my head caught me: “But you might wear it or need it for something someday.” After a little back and forth, I threw it in the pile to donate anyways. This parallels life in so many ways. True I might wear it, maybe, but why let something that is of no value take up space in my closet? More importantly, why keep stuff like that in my life!? How many people, habits or things are you letting take up space that aren’t helping you get to where you want to be? You have to get rid of these and make space so that God can give you more. Trust Him. He’s got you.
One of the biggest habits I am kicking to the curb this year is negative self-talk. I am a reformed perfectionist so this is tough for me, but it is necessary. All of the negative self-talk and negative thinking inhibits progress in so many areas of my life. I don’t have time or space in my head or spirit for any negativity.
Something else I am leaving behind in 2015 is blame and attachment to hurtful situations. Why carry hurt and pain from situations that happened and are over? To let go, I had to face these situations with honesty, love and forgiveness, for myself and others.
What are you leaving in 2014? Examine what you need and want, and let go of anything that does not help you get to who you are working to be or to where you want to grow.
After carefully deciding what to pack and what to leave behind, there’s only one thing left to do…. Celebrate!!! It’s time to celebrate you and this amazing year you’ve had. You may not be where you want to be, but just know that you are exactly where God wants you to be.
Happy New Year!
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