The last couple of weeks I’ve been running around like crazy. Probably and obviously it is something that I put out there that is coming to fruition.
I love running around and I love being the busiest bee.
All of a sudden, last week, when I was running up five stairs, it hit me and I was suddenly fully aware of every single part of my body functioning perfectly.
So in appreciation for my body, acknowledging that it is and that it is extremely much appreciated, here’s an ode.
P.S. Do the same. It’s fun and you’ll discover new things that you just have to adore about yourself. Here it goes, from the bottom to the top:
Dear Feet,
Although I was enormously ashamed of you because of your size when I was a little, I owe you a lot. You carry me anywhere I want to go and you make my dance moves one of the best in town. You make it easier for me to reach for things I want and need, like lovely kisses from that taller one. Thank you, I love you.
Dear Legs,
I so much appreciate you in all the different sizes you’ve had over the years. You keep me standing, moving, alive and kickick … everything. I cherish you, thank you.
Dear Femininity,
You are very much loved and appreciated for all the obvious reasons, and then some. And nature willing, you will experience an even greater gift this lifetime. Thank you for being.
Dear Booty,
Yes, I know I haven’t always appreciated you, but you should know I really absolutely do! You make sitting down a delight and wearing skinny jeans, skirts and shorts a true pleasure. And the dance floor, you own it. Thank you! I love you to big bits.
Dear Belly,
You’re perfect inside and out. You keep me healthy and it has to be said, you look awesome. You’ve always been the way I wanted you to be and you make me proud. Perhaps we should go on a belly dance lesson soon, so you can shine like you’re supposed to. Thank you, I love you.
Dear Back,
Thank you for being strong and for keeping me upright in most difficult positions. When the going got tough, you were there 100%. Thank you for carrying stuff around all day everyday and never giving me a hard time about it. I know it is not always easy being with me and you sometimes feel like a mule. You should really know, you are very extremely utterly appreciated. Thank you I love you, always.
Dear Breasts,
I was so happy when you made yourself known around age twelve. Remember mom making fun of you and not taking you seriously enough? Well, I always believed in you, dearests, although I was a bit naggy about your size before. I hope you don’t mind I never gave you names. I still can if you really want to, but honestly I think it’s kind of lame. But if you really want to, just say the word. Thank you, I adore you.
Dear Shoulders and Collarbones,
I love the way you are toned and how you make me feel delicate and strong at the same time. Stay just the way you are and keep up the good teamwork. I love you, thank you.
Dear Arms and Hands,
With you, I do a lot of my favorite things. Hugging, writing, cycling, waving and more. You make it possible to keep everything I need close and also to release so that it can come back. Because of you I can express and impress. Thank you, I love you.
Dear Neck and Throat,
You are very sensitive and ticklish and I love it. You utter the funniest and weirdest things and you are my sunshine. I love the way you sing and the way you sound. Thank you, I love you.
Dear Lips, Teeth and Tongue,
Thank you for being your beautiful you. And I appreciate all that you make and give, chew and swallow. I love you, thank you.
Dear Nose and Ears,
You make my life a beautiful sensation. Your sense of smell and your auditive qualities are just perfect. Thank you for giving color to my life. Thank you, I adore you.
Dear Eyes,
Thank you for being black and big and deer-ish and for helping me see, even if I don’t. You can listen just by seeing and I love you for that.
Dear Head,
I love your stubborn, strong, lovely being. I love your curls and I love your form. I love how you can learn and how you teach. I find it amazing how you can be a part of the body and a part of my soul at the same time. You keep it all together. And for that, I am ever grateful. I love you, thank you.
Dear Body,
“Ain’t nobody loves you like I love you.”
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