Faith and flexibility are the name of the game for this season of my life. Faith in the vision God has given me, and flexibility on how I get there. Day by day, I’m learning the art of planning for the future but staying firmly rooted in the present.
Perhaps that is why I enjoyed so much Deepak Chopra’s short book The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success. I read it with a friend over the course of a week as sort of an evening meditation. It’s possible to finish it in a day, but I find the experience is richer if you give yourself time to meditate on each new morsel.
Now I have to warn you, if you’ve never read Deepak before he may seem a little out there. There are some principles that will make complete and total sense – such as the law of giving – while other concepts such as the law of “pure potentiality” may take some getting used to. But if you’re open to exploring new thinking, many of the ideals may give you some interesting food for thought.
One of the laws that really intrigued me was The Law of Detachment, which basically says in order to acquire anything in the universe; you have to relinquish your attachment to it. Deepak describes it this way…in detachment lies the wisdom of uncertainty…in the wisdom of uncertainty lies the freedom from our past, from the known, which is the prison of past conditioning. It fosters in us a willingness to step into the unknown, which is the field of all possibilities.
This law speaks to the heart of why I’m so committed to being more flexible. Our past provides a wonderful foundation for our future, but it can also become a prison for our potential. Sometimes, we have to learn to let go and allow for the unknown! Embracing uncertainty allows us to see God’s creative genius bring forth a solution that we could not have ever imagined, and it is in that space that we experience abundant living.
Why not pick up a copy of the book and join me in learning to let go of the way we think it has to be, and exploring a life of pure potentiality? Your dreams are waiting for you. Let God lead you down a new road to get there. Peace and Blessings! ❤
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