New York is such an interesting study in human behavior. People from around the world converge here, to experience what they perceive as life in America. I see them all over the place. Standing around gawking up at the tall buildings, in Times Square trying to understand why there’s a man playing the guitar in… Read More
In Everything, By Prayer & Petition, with Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving Day —a day of family gatherings to give thanks for our many blessings—has evolved into a day of turkey, football and shopping. A lust for stuff is a stark contradiction to the origins of Thanksgiving. Abraham Lincoln once noted that the costly war had “not arrested the plow, the shuttle or the ship,” that… Read More
Have the Courage to Make Your Dreams Come True!
Sure, it can be scary to pursue a vision that no one else can see. But sometimes we have to walk alone, trusting that God will provide provision for the vision he’s placed in our heart. Trust in Him, and walk boldly toward the life of your dreams. You’ve got the courage to make it… Read More
You Are a Beloved Child of God
God loves you more than you can imagine. You can rest in Him. You are a beloved child of God. Say It. Share It. Believe It. ❤
10 Fresh Ideas About Love
Yes, you can have more than one soul mate! That is awesome news for those of us divorced, widowed or way past our first-love. We can now check that off of our worry list. I discovered this little gem when reading Love Karma, by Char Margolis. The book is designed as a guide for “using… Read More
Committed to Being the One True You!
Being true to ourselves is an act of love. It allows us to be grateful for our unique design, passionate about our unconventional life pursuits, and fulfilled knowing what God created is more than enough. So go ahead…love you enough to just do you! Be the one true you! ❤