Oh my God, that’s just how I feel. How did you know? Did somebody tell you what was happening to me? When I read that chapter, it was like you were seeing into my soul…time after time, this is the reaction I get from people reading Loving on Me!. Whether it’s the affirmation I wrote in the front when signing it, or the words inside that leapt off the page straight into their soul, at some point they’ve had a realization – I am not the only one who feels this way. I am not alone.
I wish I could take credit for it. My ego would love to jump for joy, convincing myself that I was talented enough to write something that resonated so deeply with so many. But alas, I am certain that when souls connect in such a meaningful way, it is nothing but a God-thing. He is up to something powerful among His people, using our “aha” moment to show us that we’re not the only one who feels the way we do.
So often when we’re going through things in life, we feel like we’re the only one. We think surely no one else is insane enough to live this way, or make these kind of choices. Other people can’t possibly have these random negative thoughts that drive them crazy, or cause them to doubt nearly all their decisions. And yet, the truth is at one time or another nearly all of us have suffered from a bout or two of low self-worth.
We’ve wondered why those around us seem to be moving at a faster pace, and how those we admire can have it all, and seemingly have it all together. We’ve turned it over and over in our minds, and finally decided that we are not enough. For whatever reason we don’t measure up to where we should be, and because we’re embarrassed about what we feel we isolate ourselves and try to handle it on our own.
But today, I just want to offer a word of encouragement and assure you that you are not alone. No matter what you may be experiencing there are others who have been there, done that, and have the scars to prove it. The beautiful thing is just hearing their story can give us hope, that we too can grow through.
The Bible says there is nothing new under the sun. That means no matter how unique our circumstances, there is someone out there who can relate. The key is to reach out when we need help, and when someone reaches out to us, take the time to lend a hand. I’m convinced that God surrounds us with people who will sharpen us, shape us and when needed – help soothe our soul.
You are not alone. There are millions of us who’ve had the same doubts, struggles, and bad seasons. Just like you, we’ve made mistakes and have deep regrets. But take it from me – a girl who has made more than her share of bad choices, some of them more than once – there is life on the other side of your circumstances.
The key to not staying stuck is to speak up. Acknowledge to ourselves that things cannot stay the same, and then seek out help to make change. I don’t care whether it’s something seemingly minor like over scheduling yourself all the time, or something much more painful like a broken relationship, there is no reason to be ashamed of asking for assistance.
I know it’s not easy. Our ego says we should be able to figure this stuff out on our own. And if it’s not our ego, it’s our pride. Our lives seem so perfect on the outside, we can’t even fathom letting folks know how truly unhappy and discontent we are within. I get it. I’ve been there too. But what God finally helped me see is that hiding behind the mask of “everything is okay” only ensures that it never will be. Ego and pride enslave us to lives that are so much smaller than those for which we were designed.
You are not alone. Be inspired by reading the stories of others, people who are courageous enough to be honest about what God has already grown them through. Get equipped by going to see a counselor or coach, a person who can give you the tools and resources you need to make life changing choices. Leave ignited, on fire from the inside out, ready to go all in with the life you were created to live.
You’re not crazy. You may be lost, hurt, frustrated and confused – but all of those emotions are a normal part of the journey. Don’t be afraid to share what you’re going through, or what you’ve grown through. Life is so much better we learn together.
Hugs and Love ♥
PS – During my season of seeking God’s direction I read a LOT. People a little further down the path became my inspiration. I want to offer that same gift to you. I wrote Loving on Me! to share the lessons God taught me about who I was, and what I was here to do. If you feel like that will speak to you but you can’t afford to purchase a copy, I will send you a free eBook. (I have about 20, so while supplies last.) Simply leave a comment on the blog with your email address, and I’ll send you the instructions on how to download. If you can afford to purchase it, then consider sending a copy to someone you think it might bless. This message is far too important to let money be a barrier to anyone receiving it. Let’s remind each other that we are not alone. Love you much, Katrina
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