As Valentine Day approaches, beauty and relationships start to stare you right in the face. I often wondered am I really pretty? Am I really deserving of a great relationship? Do I have the right stuff to be considered pretty? Am I worth being treated as a queen?
As I examined myself and gave these questions great thought, I said to myself. “Yes” to all. How can I be a daughter to a King, filled with all the right stuff and not be deserving of wearing the title, “pretty woman.”
Again I say, “I am a pretty woman”, not based off one’s perspective of me but of the perspective that I have learned to see in myself. Growing up with low self esteem will cause you to view yourself as everything but pretty. You see, I no longer look into the mirror wishing to look like or be like anyone else. I now know that the queen, yes I said queen that stares back at me, deserves not only a great relationship but the best of everything. Including the right to see herself as worthy enough to wear the crown.
Pretty is never defined by the outer appearance alone. One must possess inner qualities that far exceed the beauty on the outside. As I size myself up, I no longer look to see what’s wrong with me, but I now marvel at what is right with me. With great discovery, I have learned that I am overall a kind person, I love to see others happy, I enjoy being a walking light, I often think of how I can put a smile on someone else’s face, and I have also learned how to put one on my very own. You see, a queen knows her worth and it has never been defined by the dollars in her purse but by the character she posses. There is no doubt in my mind that a queen deserves someone who can see the reflection of all of her prettiness. I think we would call him a king. One with a vision of what pretty really looks like, from the inside out. So I say to you, never doubt you’re pretty— you are pretty enough!
P.S. If you don’t have a sweetheart for Valentines Day, treat your pretty self and love on you!
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