Reading has always been one of my favorite pastimes. Spending hours in the bookstore with my Daddy on a Saturday afternoon was just the best. Invariably, I’d leave out with two or three new books and for days on end I would be transported to another time and place. Nancy Drew, Judy Blume, and CS Lewis all delighted my imagination and in their own unique way, challenged my thinking.
As an adult, my love of reading has grown. Learning new things has always fascinated me, but now as I approach my mid 40’s I find my desire to explore insatiable. In the past 9 months I’ve read nearly 20 books. (Don’t be impressed. They weren’t all that long or deep, but they were all interesting and that made it fun.)
One of my favorite ways to find out about new books is through my friends. That’s why I’ve added this section called Loving Learning! Here we can swap stories about what we’re reading and how it’s shaping our world. Consider this your virtual book club!
I thought a LOT about what to recommend first. Ultimately, I decided to share the book that is changing my life the most this summer – The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron. This book has been one of my stepping-stones to getting back to Loving on Me. Suggested by my friend Dr. Groesbeck Parham, he said if I was courageous enough to read it (and go for what I really wanted vs. what everyone was telling me) that he’d read it a second time and go on the journey with me. (Ain’t it good to have friends who’ll tell you the truth about you, give you a little nudge in the right direction, and then run alongside you cheering like crazy??)
The Artist’s Way is officially described as a spiritual path to creativity, but for me it’s been an exploration of how to defy the status quo and live life abundantly. It is brilliantly written as a 12-week process where each week Julia helps you explore another side of you. In a loving and supportive way, she has helped me face and take hold of my hopes, dreams, fears and failures while painting the picture of me I was designed to be. I am in week 10 and I have literally read my way free from the bonds that had been holding me back.
Isn’t that the amazing thing about learning something new? You are just NEVER the same again. Possibilities and opportunities that we’ve never noticed before suddenly manifest with amazing clarity in our lives as we boldly walk forward on a path that had been previously overgrown by our weeds of fear, insecurity, self-doubt, and shame. The truth is we are most often the generator of our own greatest barriers. If we change our thoughts and beliefs, we can change our lives.
For those of you who want to know you better, who have always said to yourself “I know I have one good book, painting, album (or whatever) in me” or just wants to be set free to be the “me” God designed you to be – The Artist Way is for you.
If you’ve already read it, leave us a comment and let us know what you think. This book is not your thing? That’s cool. Leave us your suggestion for next week’s recommendation.
I am so excited to be reading with all of you!!! It’s going to be a blast Loving on Me as I Love You!
PS – Did you know one of the single greatest determinants of a child’s educational success is whether there are books at home? When you’re out shopping this weekend why not pick up a book for a child you love? We can change the world – one child at a time!
PSS – Share this with a friend and suggest walking this road together. Kindred spirits taking kindred leaps of faith is an exciting adventure!
Hi Lady Katrina, what a delight it is to hear from you and all the exciting things God is doing in your abundant life. Your section on Loving Learning is a brilliant idea. I love it! Your energy and enthusiasm for reading is infectious. Growing up my brother and I could never say we were bored because our mother would have us read the encyclopedia when we ran out of books to read. I attribute my love for reading books and writing to our dear mom. Continue to walk in your purpose and pursue it with passion. Seize the opportunity, NOW!
Hi Katrina – I love your new site! 🙂 So refreshing. I will have to pick up this book! I think I’ve heard of it a million times & still don’t own it. I’m pretty sure that’s a sign. I do have another recommendation for you – actually 2. The Fire Starter Sessions by Danielle LaPorte and The War of Art by Steven Pressfield. Unbelievable, deep reading for the soul and those of us on new adventures and on the path of self-actualization. 2 great reads that have helped transform the way I see my work. All the best! ~Tamisha
My mother was an avid reader, thus my infection I suppose. My librarian let me sneak into the adult section before my time because I read so many books (14-the maximum–every two weeks. You’re so right about the positive outcome with books and children.
Books showed me a world beyond my small town; and perspectives I might never have encountered. Books fired my imagination into the writer that I am.
Really like your book section. Keep it up, love the suggestions so far.
Great blog.
Katrina, first I love “Loving on Me!” Recently I took a technology free vacation and the only thing I missed was your blogs. Each one inspires me in a different way. Per your suggestion I am on week 4 of Artist’s Way and, happy to report that I am writing again. Another book that had, and continues to have, a strong impact on my life is Be Free Where You Are by Thich Nhat Han. It taught me the very simple leason that at any time I can choose peace. Thanks for being a force for good. No more technology free holidays for me. Think what I missed.
Welcome back! I have missed you. I am so excited that you are on The Artist’s Way! I am on week 12 and it as been an amazing journey! Congratulations on this exciting step!