The Pastor asked a question – “How many of you struggle to see yourself the way God sees you?” 3 out of 4 people at the service raised their hands. My spirit was so saddened. I wondered, How is it that people of faith struggle so much with self-worth? Don’t you know? You are a Masterpiece!
But then the Spirit reminded me…you have been there too. It is in fact, why you started Loving on Me just six years ago.
Many people read the title of my blog and presume it is an ode to self-centeredness. The truth, however, is that it had nothing to do with arrogance or pride. This space was a cry out in the wilderness to save my self-worth, and to remedy what had become a propensity to see myself consistently through the lens of lack, always trying to prove that I was enough.
Can I tell you how exhausting it was to live that way?
Constantly questioning whether you’re doing enough, whether you’re good enough, if you have enough – it can make you lose your mind, or your good health, as it did for me. When I left my job at Susan G. Komen I had finally hit a brick wall. Sick from anxiety and exhaustion, I was having panic attacks nearly all day, every day. Sleep or awake my spirit was troubled, as I worked to control circumstances that weren’t mine to manage.
I was a hot mess, but on the outside – you’d never know it.
You know how we do…wearing a mask of self assuredness when on the inside we’re nothing of the sort. The pretending is almost as exhausting as the doubting itself. We feel like we have to “fake it until we make it” because heaven forbid that anyone know we’re struggling.
It all works, until the day it doesn’t.
When we’re too tired to hold up the mask our troubles emerge. It’s at that point – and usually not a moment before – that we make a choice. We can either reconcile the disparate parts of ourselves back to who we truly are, or we can stay stuck in an endless cycle of trying to prove our worth.
I wonder, have you reached that point too? Are you tired of trying to prove that you are enough? Are you sick of questioning whether you have done enough to prove your value?
If so, I just want to drop a word of encouragement in your spirit. You are a Masterpiece.
You see God has already given our lives value, purpose, and meaning. We are not working to prove our worth. We work because we are purposed and part of a bigger plan, which through the ups and downs works out for our good. Click To Tweet
It’s a fundamental truth, and yet I get why we question it. Negative Nellie runs around in our mind planting all kinds of lies about who we are, and what defines us.
THOUGHT – My past is kind of shady. If some stuff I’ve done comes to light, well…hmm..
TRUTH – God loves you anyhow. You are a Masterpiece.
THOUGHT – I don’t have my stuff together. My finances are jacked up, and I can never seem to get ahead.
TRUTH – God is your source of strength. You are a Masterpiece.
THOUGHT – If people found out what my life was really like I’d be so embarrassed. I am a mess.
TRUTH – God knows, and folks are fickle. We cannot live to please other people. You are God’s Masterpiece.
THOUGHT – I cannot get anything in my life to go right. Stuff just keeps falling apart. Ugh!
TRUTH – There is a plan for your life and it is good. You are a Masterpiece.
Sisters, remember this – no one is perfect. We are all a work in progress, perfectly imperfect and yet destined for greatness. Click To Tweet
There is no lack in you! The key is to see yourself through God’s eyes and to repeat what he says about you, to you. Not just one time – I’m talking everyday, because in every season life gives us a reason to doubt our self-worth.
But as people of faith we do not have to wonder about who we are, even when we mess up. We don’t have to worry about losing our worth when we fail or act foolishly. We can be assured that who God created us to be is valuable beyond measure, because even when we feel the worst of the worst He still loves us best.
Be assured of these 7 truths about you…
I am a beloved child of God. ~ 1 John 3:1a
I am more than a conqueror. ~ Romans 8:37
I am made in God’s image. ~ Genesis 1:26a
I am destined for a great future. ~ Jeremiah 29:11
I am loved forever. ~ Romans 8:38-39
I am enough. ~ Colossians 2:10a
I am a masterpiece. ~ Ephesians 2:10
Listen, wherever you are in life – on an amazing high or experiencing an all time low – I want you to start speaking truth to you. Use the words God says about you to powerfully reshape your vision of your past, present, and future possibilities. You, my sister, are a Masterpiece. Don’t you forget it!
Hugs and Love
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