A little over a year ago, I launched a vegan lip balm brand. Since then, I have added vegan lipstick and a healing balm. All fair, all natural and all delicious, of course!
After a period of only three months, I have been able to financially support myself by doing what I love most in the world. And to be honest, I was very surprised when I realized that I had made so much in so little time and with very little effort.
In the last few years, I have changed a lot and in the last five months one of my biggest goals was overcoming limiting beliefs. And obviously it works to defuse these beliefs. I am very grateful to get the chance to put what I learned to the test and experience the beautiful fruits of my labor. I share it with you because you might benefit from it as well.
Alone I go fast, together we go far.
Thriving on Love
We all know that everything that is worthwhile starts with love. In all of it forms gratitude, deep respect, appreciation and so on. We’ve all experienced that on the days we come from our love zone, everything seems to flow and everyone treats us just how we want. The days when we operate from a lower vibration always turns into an unwanted, self-fulfilling prophecy that we’d rather erase from our calendar asap.
But that is not the message here.
The message is this: How do I operate from my love zone and how do I get back in there when I let myself get thrown out?
Changing My Beliefs
“Your beliefs become your thoughts,
Your thoughts become your words,
Your words become your actions,
Your actions become your habits,
Your habits become your values,
Your values become your destiny.” ~ Mahatma Ghandi
I’ve started with changing my beliefs. Up until a year ago, I had an “upper limit problem”. I could not see how I could ever support myself in this whole new field of business and was often in a state of fear.
I’ve learned from different teachers, on which I will elaborate in the articles to come, that the first place to start anything is from a state of gratitude, a place of love.
When I come from that state, my fear melts away and my stress and panic are non-existent. From that place, I see possibilities and the next step that I have to take to get to the next level.
The Structure of My Day
My aim is to start everyday from my love-zone. And what does this entice in real life?
Here are five things that I do daily:
1. All of my days contain snippets of gratitude. I started making this a habit through starting and ending my day with a gratitude practice. Everyday I would write five things in the morning and five things in the evening that I was very grateful for. At this point, it happens automatically throughout the day.
2. Every day of the week contains a meditation. Usually I start with this in the morning and every day that I don’t, I get too easily in a low vibration, so then I do it during the day and I’m back on the horse again.
3. At least three times a week, I do some type of sports to appreciate my body, my limbs, my fitness and grace. I literally slide through the days when I feel happy and tight in my body.
4. I treat myself to something that I find delicious daily. Usually it is a coffee with rice milk at my favorite coffee place.
5. I appreciate others and show that through compliments, smiles and by tipping.
Lastly, I have a rhyme that comes out of one of my favorite books ever: The Game of Life and How to Play It by Florence Scovel Shinn. This book can be downloaded for free here.
“I have a wonderful business
and in a wonderful way
I sell excellent products
for wonderful pay.”
Thank you for reading and I hope to see you here next time or on my website, where I will be sharing weekly about my journey!
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